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Anniversary Cairngorm Walk 2012 Report

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

Sunday 19th August 2012 was a bright and breezy day, sunny & warm in the morning, but clouding over and cool by the afternoon.

Jane, David and Mary walked from the Allt Mor, David (Rose) went up on the bus to Coire Cas Car Park, where Seumas, Peter (BBC) and Ann also joined the walk.  A short break was taken outside the Ptarmigan Building, before continuing via the Marquis Well to the Summit. There we met Hugh, who had been there since 11am, after a very early start, going slowly nursing his damaged knee.  He needed the extra clothing he had taken, as it was quite windy on the top.  Hugh gave the toast to John Roy, and Seumas sang one of his songs, and was interviewed for BBC Radio Scotland.

The party then descended to Ciste Mhearaid where Seumas measured the snow patch (he does this every year), and we all had our lunch, enjoying the panorama before us.

19th Aug 2012 at the summit of Cairngorm

19th Aug 2012

wee Hamish

wee Hamish

Ann with the Banner

Ann with the Banner

Seumas Grant being interviewed for the Past Lives programme

Seumas Grant

David Kerr with the Banner

David Kerr with the Banner

Jane Kerr with the Banner

Jane Kerr with the Banner